In the month of july I had the opportunity to continue my research Tracing Nepantla within the Flutgraben Performances Resiedencies. While during my thesis I approached the in-between space Nepantla through graphical analysis of spaces and moments of my everyday life that I identified as such. My goal was to approach the concept of Nepantla from a spatial perspective, trying to understand the parameters that create such spaces. Bringing on the same time Gloria Anzaldua's reflections into the predominantly white, eurocentric, colonial and heteronormative discourse of architecture.
During this residency, I focussed on investigating how to capture such a dynamic and complex space that is determined by something so intangible and subjective as are my memories, my different perceptions of temperature, humidity,smell, taste, light as well as intimate questions of belonging and identity. Along with political and social events that are very tangible and that occur in distant territories but at the same time are also very close since they have a great impact and influence on my life here. For this I went back to my own archive of memories, objects and images. Through exercises of remembering spaces from my past and recording/mapping situations in the present, I was able to understand that it's in the moments of friction where Nepantla manifests.

Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke
Fotocredits: Radi Dhan and Leonie Schipke

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